Havainnekuva Koskelan varikosta.

Koskela depot project

Upon completion, the Koskela depot will serve as a main depot for tram traffic in Helsinki alongside the Ruskeasuo depot.

A sizeable new construction project will begin at the Koskela depot in 2024 once the Ruskeasuo depot has been completed and has enough depot capacity for the duration of the construction in Koskela. In the Koskela depot project, the current depot facilities, some of which are up to 80 years old and no longer fit for purpose, are being replaced with a new depot. The project also involves overhauling the track maintenance facilities connected to the depot.

Upon completion, the Koskela depot will serve as another main depot for tram traffic in Helsinki alongside the Ruskeasuo depot.

The key objectives of the project are as follows:

  • The quality level of the depot project will support cost-effective operations during the lifecycle of the depot.
  • We will serve as pioneers in promoting environmentally responsible construction projects.
  • We will stay on schedule and within the allocated budget.
  • We will find the best solutions for promoting the project together with different operators

General info

  • Location:
    • in the area of the current Koskela depot (Valtimontie 10)
  • Functions:
    • storage of trams
    • maintenance and repair of trams
    • track maintenance facilities

The service provider of the project is a consortium named Akseli, consisting of Skanska as the main implementer and Sweco, Sipti, Rejlers and Arkkitehtityöhuone APRT as design and planning parties.

Preliminary capacity

  • estimated area 41,000 m2
  • roughly 50 storage spaces for trams
  • roughly 13 maintenance stations
  • an underfloor wheel lathe
  • roughly 13 daily maintenance stations
  • a tram exterior washing line
  • roughly 4 storage spaces and maintenance stations for maintenance trams
  • track maintenance facilities
  • technical facilities, social and office facilities
An illustrative image of the new Koskela depot. Image: Arkkitehtityöhuone APRT.
An illustrative image of the new Koskela depot. Image: Arkkitehtityöhuone APRT.

Target schedule for the project

Give us feedback

Feedback and questions are valuable to us. You can send us feedback or questions regarding the new Koskela depot project via the City Transport website. Please select ‘Communication, planning and customer service’ as the topic and ‘Transportation planning’ as the sub-category, and then select ‘The Helsinki Region Land Use, Housing and Transport Plan (MAL).’ This will enable us to forward your message correctly to the party planning and constructing the new Koskela depot.

You can choose to send your feedback anonymously or provide your contact details. Please note that we will not be able to reply to you if you do not provide valid contact details. We will not check the correctness of any contact details provided.

You can also send email directly to the project at koskelanvarikko@skanska.fi.

The Koskela depot overhaul project is part of the City’s tram depot development plan, the purpose of which is to prepare for an increase in tram traffic and equipment in the inner city and the needs of the City’s new light rail trams.