Ratikkakuski hymyilee raitikan ohjaamossa.

Work with us

Our goal is to bring the best people together. Hop aboard – we are looking for new talent to create sustainable transport services with!

With the Helsinki metropolitan area constantly moving and growing, the people behind the scenes have a crucial role to play. We contribute to the building of a city of the future while also keeping it moving today. We are proud to work for the benefit of the thousands of people who see the results of our work in their everyday lives.

With us, you will get to see beneath the city’s surface and build a constantly developing urban area for tomorrow’s needs. Our employees possess a wide range of unique skills. Together, we keep the city’s wheels turning!

Raitiovaunun kuljettaja tervehtii ratikan ovella.

Become a driver

If you enjoy driving and see the appeal of working independently in the cabin of a unique mode of transport, becoming a driver might be just the thing for you!

Would you like to be a driver?Would you like to be a driver?
Naisinsinööri työmaalla päällään keltainen liivi.

Open positions

We keep the residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area moving with approximately 1,200 professionals in 130 jobs.

See all of our vacancies hereSee all of our vacancies here
Asentaja hymyilee kameralle metrovaunussa.

Working with us

We offer unique prospects, as our know-how is needed in the operation and maintenance of expanding rail transport services and the development of new rail transport projects.

Metropolitan Area Transport as an employerMetropolitan Area Transport as an employer
Projektipäällikkö osoittaa kartalta Kalasatamaa.

Specialist blog

Read blog posts written by our specialists about our diverse range of know-how and future prospects!

Discover blog posts written by our specialistsDiscover blog posts written by our specialists (in Finnish)
Työmiehiä korjaamassa raidetta.

Employee stories

Learn more about our unique professions and capable professionals!

Read employee stories (in Finnish)Read employee stories (in Finnish)
Takaapäin kuvattu nainen kesämaisemassa.

Summer jobs and traineeships

We offer interesting summer job and traineeship opportunities and great career prospects.

Learn more hereLearn more here