
Responsibility for customers and stakeholders

We produce high-quality, cost-effective, reliable, safe and accessible transport services for the owner, clients and passengers.

Safety first

Safe public transport is the primary indicator for our operations. We promote safety together with the authorities, stakeholders and other operators. We fulfil our customers’ wishes for safer public transport by means such as feedback collection and customer satisfaction surveys.

We ensure our operating conditions, uninterrupted public transport and the safety of our employees, customers, other stakeholders, information, the environment and our property through a safety management system in accordance with the Rail Transport Act. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom, supervises our safety through regular audits, among other means. We are committed to upholding and developing a positive culture of safety.

By ensuring the competence of our staff and the condition of our fleet, track infrastructure and properties, we can ensure the safety of our passengers and the city’s residents. We ensure that public transport is available even during disturbances and exceptional arrangements: we do this through clear operating models defined in our preparedness and continuation plan.

Satisfied passengers and business partners

We measure the quality of the customer experience related to the metro, tram and Suomenlinna ferry traffic with a customer satisfaction survey and customer feedback and, in the case of tram traffic, Mystery Shopping analyses.

Our key stakeholders and partners respond to our partner survey every year.

Accessible travel

The conditions for accessible public transport are largely set in street planning. Several reviews and instructions have been prepared to improve accessibility in the city. Through these, the aim is to pay attention to the needs of all passengers. We take accessibility into account in our metro trains and trams, as well as at stations and stops.

Accessibly by tram

Apart from the spare and museum carriages, all of our trams have low floors. The new Artic trams also have plenty of space for wheelchairs.

Most of the tram stops have been raised to help access to a low-floor tram. Artic trams and articulated trams with low-floor sections have door ramps via which trams can be onboarded without crossing thresholds. Drivers provide information about the use of the ramps and other matters related to accessibility in trams.

Accessibly by metro

All metro stations have accessible entrances and at least one lift each. The stations along the West Metro line also have evacuation lifts. Many stations have aural beacons by the front doors and the doors leading up to the lifts, which make movement easier for persons with visual impairments.

At renovated stations, routes are marked on the floor with raised and contrasted stripes. The metro platform and train floor are at the same level. In the West Metro section of the track, the tunnels have exit platforms.

Exceptional arrangements are announced via loudspeakers and platform displays. Information about exceptions is also fed directly into hearing aids through the induction loops in the displays, lifts and service desks, so that the information is also accessible by persons with hearing impairments.

Did you know?

Safety is the cornerstone of our operations. If you experience or witness a situation in the metro that may require a security guard, please do not hesitate to call +358 (0)9 310 12 112. If you use the metro regularly, it is worthwhile to save the number on your phone.