Kaupunkipyöriä rivissä.

City bikes

A city bike is a bike shared by users. They are intended for everyone moving about Helsinki, both residents and visitors.

The City of Helsinki is attempting to increase levels of cycling in city traffic. The city bike services supports this goal, for its part.  You can access a bike at a bike station by using your cyclist ID you received at registration or your HSL travel card and keycode. At five stations, bikes are accessible with a payment card and without advance registrations.

City bikes complement public transport

How to use the city bikes

Vehicles in shared use, such as city bikes, facilitate the mobility of city residents and improve the accessibility of public transport and the efficiency of travel chains. In Helsinki, city bike stations can be found nearly everywhere in the city. The city bike network of Helsinki and Espoo comprises nearly 4,600 bikes and 460 bike stations, 347 of which are in Helsinki.

The City of Helsinki aims to increase the proportion of cycling as a mode of transport by 20% by 2035, and the services targeted at cyclists have a major role to play in enabling this growth. The city bike system complements the public transport services and provides benefits related to both travel time and health.

A city bike is a bike shared by users. They are intended for everyone moving about Helsinki, both residents and visitors. The city bikes of Helsinki and Espoo will be available from the beginning of April to the end of October. You can ride city bikes both in Helsinki and Espoo, or even from Espoo to Helsinki or vice versa. Vantaa uses a different city bike system.

You can purchase the city bike service for the entire season, one month, one week or just one day.

Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd is responsible for the procurement of the service in Helsinki

The parties responsible for the city bike service are Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd in Helsinki and the City of Espoo’s Urban Environment Division in Espoo. The service is maintained by CityBike Finland. The party responsible for digital services, marketing and customer relations is Helsinki Region Transport HSL. Clear Channel Suomi Oy is responsible for the advertising media and partnerships related to the project.

When the Helsinki city bike services began in 2016, the network consisted of 50 bike stations and 500 bikes. Since then, the service has been gradually extended to cover nearly the entire Helsinki region.