Ilmakuva Vallilan varikosta.


Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd is a publicly owned limited company that will continue the operations of Helsinki City Transport starting from 1 February 2022.

The company’s managing director is Juha Hakavuori.

Traffic Operations

The Traffic Operations unit is responsible for high-quality and safe metro and tram traffic as well as supporting traffic control and monitoring operations. The traffic operations are ordered by Helsinki Region Transport (HSL).

Asset Management Unit

The Asset Management unit is responsible for the management and development of the public transport infrastructure of Helsinki and the tram and metro rolling stock assets as well as new fleet purchases. The unit is also responsible for the renovations of metro stations and tram tracks, for example.


The Maintenance unit is responsible for the maintenance and servicing of Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd’s metro and tram fleet, tracks and stops, stations and other facilities.

Major Urban Rail Projects Unit

The Major Urban Rail Projects unit is tasked with ensuring that Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd has the best possible ability to meet the growth challenges of the city in a financially and qualitatively efficient way.

Operational management

Operational management unit maintains an overall view for steering Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd’s operations. The unit is also responsible for providing quality and environmental, safety and IT services for Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd.


The Finance unit provides financial management to ensure the achievement of cost-effectiveness and the long-term objectives.

Human Resources and Communications

The Human Resources and Communications unit serves the entire Metropolitan Area Transport organisation. The unit provides services related to personnel and corporate communications.

Administration and Procurements

Unit provides services related to administration and procurements.

Suomenlinnan Liikenne Oy (SLL)

Suomenlinnan Liikenne Oy (SLL) operates the ferry traffic between Helsinki and the marine city district of Suomenlinna. The Suomenlinna ferries are part of the city traffic in Helsinki and they operate all year round. Suomenlinnan Liikenne is a subsidiary of Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd.