Ilmakuva Vallilan varikosta.


Tram carriages are stored and serviced at the Töölö and Ruskeasuo depots. The Vallila depot also handles larger works, such as crash repairs and renovations. There is a dedicated depot for light rail line 15 in Roihupelto.

Ruskeasuo tram and bus depot

The Ruskeasuo depot is the first combined tram and bus depot in Finland. The depot was completed in May 2024, and tram services and maintenance will begin at the end of the year. The depot will be used to operate the tram lines of central Helsinki, and it serves as the main depot during the construction of the new depot in Koskela. Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) regional bus lines will be operated from the bus deck on the roof of the depot.

Koskela tram depot

A sizable renovation project will be initiated in the Koskela depot in 2024, as the current facilities, some of which are as old as 80 years and no longer fit for purpose, will be replaced with a new depot. The functions of the current Koskela depot with regard to traffic operations and equipment maintenance will be transferred to the Ruskeasuo depot. Track maintenance operations will be transferred to temporary facilities in the arched halls for the duration of the project. 

Upon completion, the Koskela depot will serve as the second main depot for tram traffic in Helsinki alongside the Ruskeasuo depot. 

Töölö tram depot

The smallest tram depot is located in Töölö. Some of the trams are serviced and stored in Töölö. Next to the depot is the Tram Museum.

Vallila tram depot

The Vallila depot houses a tram repair workshop and track maintenance operations. The repair shop operations will continue until the Koskela depot is completed. The majority of the office workers of Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd work at the Vallila depot.

Roihupelto depot

Light rail line 15 is operated from the Roihupelto depot. There are about four kilometres of tracks on the plot, of which 1.7 kilometres are within the building and 2.3 kilometres outside the building. There are 24 railway points in the depot.

Ilmakuva Roihupellon raitiovaunuvarikosta.