Nosturi nostaa kirkoja lavalle.

Track construction sites and fleet maintenance

We maintain and upgrade both the metro trains and trams. In addition to this, we provide various maintenance and repair services related to track and electricity infrastructure.

We maintain and build new tramways

We provide various maintenance and repair services related to track and electricity infrastructure. We are also in charge of manufacturing track components and keeping the tracks clear.

Tracks are replaced as needed

The service life of tracks depends on the section in which they are located. On a straight line, the tracks may last 30 years, but at curves, they last for a substantially shorter time: 15 years, at the maximum.

The switches’ service life is influenced by the traffic volumes, among other factors: in the busiest sections, the switches wear the most and need to be replaced every few years. In the sections used less often, the switches may last for up to 25 years.

We also plan rail construction work so that they cause as little disturbance as possible for the tram and motor traffic. When possible, rail construction is also carried out at night, with some limitations. The general regulations in Helsinki limit night-time work at two nights a week, at the maximum. The aim is to schedule rail construction projects so that they can be implemented at the same time with other municipal engineering projects related to e.g. water supply, sewers and district heating.

Deep-groove switches reduce noise from tracks

In connection with rail construction, we install deep-groove switches to the switch areas whenever the switch geometry allows.

Deep-groove switches have been installed around the city during a few summers now, and the experiences have been positive. Using the deep-groove switches, we can reduce the noise and vibration caused by the tram crossing the switch area. Along with the new switches, it is also possible to increase the speed of the trams: the deep-groove switches allow for the tram to cross the switch area at higher speeds.

We are responsible for maintaining and upgrading both the metro and the tram fleet

Fleet maintenance

The main purpose of fleet maintenance is to ensure that the transport unit has access to a sufficient number of vehicles fit for line traffic, perform maintenance measures according to the maintenance plan, and ensure that the vehicles are safe in terms of technical qualities.

Maintenance includes the following, among others:

  • performing regular maintenance,
  • organising inspections; washing the trains,
  • moving the trains for maintenance and
  • switching lines.

The purpose of the maintenance work is to prevent defects in the carriages.
A well-maintained fleet also contributes to customer satisfaction and fleet safety. Repairs of damage and defects are a part of fleet maintenance.

Interchangeable parts refer to the detachable components of a metro or tram carriage which can be repaired for reuse. The repair shop for interchangeable parts is responsible for all interchangeable part repairs of the entire metro and tram fleet of Helsinki City Transport (HKL)/Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd. The repair shop is divided into shops for mechanical, electric and hydraulic parts.

The operations of the repair shop include repairing, mechanising and welding of the interchangeable parts. When necessary, the repair shop also replaces the parts on the vehicles. When part replacements or repairs are planned, the fleet’s availability for line traffic is a primary concern.

Fleet renovations

The renovations in accordance with the maintenance plan are performed about every ten years. During the renovations, extensive inspections and repairs are made on the fleet structures, bogies and components. In connection with the renovations, the passenger cabins and carriage systems are often renovated to improve the fleet’s functionality, eco-friendliness and economic efficiency. Renovations are performed at the depots of Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd and through subcontractors.