Metrojuna Itäkeskuksen asemalla.

By metro

The metro is a smart way to travel on any day, from the morning to the evening.

Quickly, reliably, ecologically

The metro is the fastest and most frequently operated means of transportation in the capital city area. The Helsinki Metro is easy to use: there are only two directions, east and west.

Currently, the metro line consists of 30 stations, 19 of which are in Helsinki. The remaining 11 are in Espoo.

Myllypuron metroasema.

Metro stations

Can you name all 30 metro stations?

More information about Metro stations.Read more on our pages in Finnish
Kalasataman metroasema.

Metro fleet

Three different types of metro trains run on the metro lines of Helsinki.

More information about Metro fleet.Read more
Roihupellon varikko sisältä kuvattuna.

Metro tracks and depot

The metro has two tracks, one to the east and one to the west.

More information about Metro tracks and depot.Read more
Helsingin yliopiston metroasema.

Visitor numbers of metro stations

You can see the average for all weekdays in our tables.

More information about visitor numbers of metro stations.Read more on our pages in Finnish

Metro security control room and disturbances, tel. +358 9 510 47000