Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd

Our job is to build and develop a functional city and facilitate sustainable transport in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. We are building the city of the future for you.

Millions of journeys

We facilitate the sustainable growth of the Helsinki metropolitan area by building a rail network city of the future and keeping it moving. We are responsible for the building of public transport infrastructure and the operation of metro trains and trams. We also provide the city bike service and operate the Suomenlinna ferry service through our subsidiary. We take responsibility for the lifecycle emissions of our operations now and in the future. 

Mies taluttaa polkupyörää metrosta ulos.

Please respond to the questionnaire on the future bicycle parking centre in Kaisantunneli tunnel

The questionnaire allows you to provide your views on the services planned for the centre. You can also propose a catchy and witty name for the bicycle parking centre when completing the survey.

To the questionnaireTo the questionnaire


Our principles of responsibility steer all of our operations and all of our personnel.

More information about responsibility.Read more

Major rail transport projects

Our unique expertise is needed in many major rail transport projects in the Metropolitan Area.

More information about major rail transport projects.Read more

Work with us

Hop in – we’re looking for new talent to create sustainable transport with us!

More information about open positions.Go to our Careers page

09 310 12 112
Soita Kaupunkiliikenteen turvavalvomon numeroon metrossa ja raitiovaunuissa tapahtuvissa häiriö- ja järjestyshäiriötilanteissa. Turvavalvomon kiireettömissä asioissa soita numeroon 09 310 13333.